Friday, September 12, 2014


Muscles of granite and shining new coal,
Sternly at peace with columns of trees,
They saunter in silence with steel-seeming horns,
Glistening as sabers of primordial heft,
Sharpened with near-fatal strength.

Water or land, in winter or rain,
Their undaunted bulk will move in its pace,
caring for neither our presence nor gaze.

Battling with overbrimming crowds or its stench,
harried and hassled in smoke, mud or heat,
burdened with evergrowing prices or debt,
I dust up my dress and gazing at the
Unperturbed stance of those beasts,
Ponder the greatness of man.


aelfbee said...

Just stopping by your blog for a quick visit and stayed longer than intended. Really like this poem. It seems like a poem that will belong in a book of classic poetry some day. Hit me like Shelley's Ozymandias for some reason.

Marcoantonio Arellano (Nene) said...

quite powerful these beasts that roam the earth. i mean mankind

thought provoking piece, mi amigo

Mary said...

I agree -- there is definitely SOMETHING about the way of bulls. They do their own thing, unbothered by the goings and comings of those around them. Perhaps man could learn a few things from the nature of bulls?

Sumana Roy said...

massive strength powerfully portrayed.. I can't help thinking of the bull market too...smiles...the last line is awesome...

Brian Miller said...

if you have ever seen the running of hte bulls maybe it is the smallness of man...ha...they have a way much different than us...

Sherry Blue Sky said...

You paint such a strong picture here, of the bulls unperturbed by all of our clamor, just Being Bulls.........good one!

Susan said...

Your poem made me think of that outer layer of protectionyou drew so well. What must they be thinking inside, how wounded are they by "the greatness of man"? That exterior is so beautiful--AT least they have peace among the trees and nature. I see a reason to envy.

Myrna R. said...

They are magnificent creatures. Your poem made me think of how we abuse them for games of our pleasure. But, we do that a lot don't we.

NataĊĦek said...

i like the way you end it.. it makes you wonder.

Gabriella said...

The bulls I know and the bulls in India might be quite different but I can recognize the bulk and majesty of these animals.

Claudia said...

they're quite majestic capture them beautifully

Audrey Howitt aka Divalounger said...

I felt the juxtaposition here between their power and ours--thoughty write--

Maniparna said...

Bulls are majestic animals...and you've portrayed them so well..especially love the last line..:-)

My first time your blog...:-)

Old Egg said...

I am sure like most wild (and farmed) creatures they bide their time rarely trusting, waiting, waiting for one false move!

Scarlet said...

Those are some mighty beasts ~ I like their serenity as they move in pace ~ As I live in the city, I don't see much of those animals except the pets (domesticated cats & dogs) ~

Have a good week Abin ~


brudberg said...

Bulls have a majesty of their own.. The massiveness and confidence can be overwhelming - therefore the last line come as a surprise and make me think... Should we see them just as representations of ourselves?

Unknown said...

Your juxtaposition of bulls and men gives us lots to think about.

Gen Giggles said...

Wow, what a great ending. You capped off your poem so well with that last line, it makes one think.